科研动态 News
- 2024/8, 博士生陈与参加全国流体力学会议,并做关于航发燃烧器大涡模拟研究的学术报告
- 2023/12, Prof. Xiang Yang到访力学所并做学术报告
- 2023/8/16, Prof. Ekaterinaris到访力学所并做学术报告
- 2023/8, 博士后乔正关于大涡模拟在复杂燃烧器仿真中的性能评估的文章在Phys. Fluids发表link-PDF
- 2023/8初,赴香港科大参加2023湍流噪声和CFD暑期高级研习班并做报告,题为“熵受限高阶间断格式及其在多物理流体仿真中的应用”
- 2023/6/28, 关于间断数值方法在复杂多物理流动中的研究进展的长篇综述(full-length review),在航空航天领域综述期刊Prog. Aero. Sci.发表link。 For long the discontinuous scheme has been applied mostly to aerodynamic simulations with simple fluid models. However, modern CFD techniques and applications in fact cover a wide spectrum of fluids. There is an urgent need to extend the advanced discontinuous schemes into those fluid models. In this review, we specifically focused on the multi-component and multiphase flows of relevance to aerospace applications. The aim is to identify the current status of numerics, algrothmics and models in the field of discontinuous schemes and to provide a guidebook to “rookie” researchers who are interested in this field.
- 2023/4/3, 港科大傅林教授到访本课题组做学术交流
- 2023/2, 在湍流与非线性实验室联合学术年会上做报告,题为“面向空天动力的内流仿真与燃烧建模”
- 2022/11, 在第12届流体力学学术会议做邀请报告,题为“翼型大迎角绕流的壁面模化大涡模拟”
- 2022/10, 陈与同学的工作关于亚临界压力下GH2/LOX火焰的研究在国际氢能杂志发表,该研究考虑了火焰在两相界面上的传热传质效应,建立了火焰特征量对压力和应变率的标度率并从燃烧机制上证实了液氧蒸发不是制约两相燃烧的因素。
- 2022/8, Zheng’s paper is accepted for publication in PROCI; the presentation video can be found here
- 2022/5/27, 受邀为北航宇航学院作线上学术报告
- 2022/4/22, 受邀为港科大机械与航空系作线上学术报告
- 2022/4, 关于火焰响应函数的精准模型研究被第39届国际燃烧大会录用
研究方向 Research directions
面向复杂流动的高阶精度数值格式 high-order numerical methods
湍流反应流的高置信度模型与仿真技术 high-fidelity modeling of turbulent reacting flows
壁面模化大涡模拟方法 wall-modeled LES
代表论文 Selected publications
- Lv, Yu, et al. “A discontinuous Galerkin method for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations.” Computers & Fluids 222 (2021): 104933.
- Ching, Eric J., Lv, Yu, et al. “Shock capturing for discontinuous Galerkin methods with application to predicting heat transfer in hypersonic flows.” Journal of Computational Physics 376 (2019): 54-75.
- Ma, Peter C., Yu Lv, and Matthias Ihme. “An entropy-stable hybrid scheme for simulations of transcritical real-fluid flows.” Journal of Computational Physics 340 (2017): 330-357.
- Lv, Yu, and Matthias Ihme. “Entropy-bounded discontinuous Galerkin scheme for Euler equations.” Journal of Computational Physics 295 (2015): 715-739.
- Lv, Yu, and Matthias Ihme. “Discontinuous Galerkin method for multicomponent chemically reacting flows and combustion.” Journal of Computational Physics 270 (2014): 105-137.
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